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Hares Wanted

Have you been hashing with the NOH3 and thinking about haring a run???
If you're a Virgin Hare or a Haring Whore... NOH3 requests your services, Virgins and Whores alike!!!

Things to do and know if you want to Hare:
  • Contact the Hare Raiser (Swamp Bitch) or any one of the RA's (Piston Penis, Snatch Shot) and let them know you want some of the action.
  • Check out the NOH3 calendar for open / available dates
  • If you're a Hare Whore then you know the drill, if you're a Hare Virgin take a peek at the terminology below.
Haring Trail
NOH3 runs trail every week, Mondays (6pm) or Sundays (morning or afternoon) depending on the time of year and daylight savings. Upcoming weekly hashes and socials are posted on the NOH3 calendar. Each week a wanker from the hash designates Him or Herself as the week's "Hare".

Once the would-be hare(s) have contacted the Hare Raiser to determine and confirm an available date, the run is then "numbered and etched in stone" or rather updated on the calendar. As for the number of hares, well that's up to the hares, check out "Co-Hares" below.

The Hare is responsible for setting or laying trail either "Live" or "Dead" (explained in Trails and Trail Marks) for the hounds to follow in an attempt to catch the hare. The location and length of the trail is at the discretion the hare which is what makes it interesting and fun... Note to self, the hounds not only deserve but welcome new and exciting trails.

In addition to setting or laying trail the hare has two other major responsibilities, first is to provide adequate hydration to the pack in the form of BEER... that's right the common denominator of all things Hash is BEER! If you've run trail before then you know that BEER is a staple of the Hash diet so pre-trail BEER is a must, BEER checks are highly highly highly encouraged and BEER for circle is of the utmost importance. The second most important concern a hare should have is with what to mark the trail... this can be accomplished in a number of fashions. Most common would be flour but almost anything can and has been used i.e. chalk, environmentally friendly string / tape, food particles or any number of creative non damaging ways to signal directions to the pack.

Trail & Trail Marks Trail, on average, is usually about 2.5 miles thus making the Packs' hash about 3 miles give or take... Nothing says the trail can't be shorter or longer. Something for the haring wanker to think about is day light and having time for circle. I know it's unfortunate but some hounds must return to primary kennels.

Laying a "dead trail" is easy and typically is only screwed up by a select few, please don't join this non-elite group. To do this simply plan a route then go lay the marks prior to the hash meeting and hounds away.

Laying a "live trail" is just as easy. Plan your trail (or not) and when the pack meets the hare will be given a head start... just like a true hash. When time's up the hounds are released and we're On-On.

Trail Markings to Know and Use
Described using flour
  • One blob. Means you may have found trail
  • Two consecutive blobs. Means you still may have found trail
  • Three consecutive blobs. Means you have found "true trail". As a hound, when you find true trail you should blow your whistle or shout "On-On!"
  • Check (a circle). This mark means trail has possibly changed directions. At this mark trail coulda, shoulda, woulda, gone in any direction in a 360º radius. Yes that means through abandoned lots, ditches, culverts, wooded areas (shiggy), bayous... you get the idea.
  • BN, this mark is most sought after by all hashers and is sorely missed when not included. This means Beer Near and is usually strategically placed just before a beer check to signal to the pack that refreshments are with in reach.
  • Directional arrows or True Trail marks. This means you are on trail and should continue the noted direction until another mark presents itself.
  • Turkey / Eagle (marked by "T" or "E"). This mark means trail goes in both directions. Depending on the extent of dyslexia of the hare usually T=Turkey meaning a shorter route to the beer and E=Eagle usually meaning you've got a bit of a jont in front of you, making you more deserving of a Down-Down for being an over achiever.
  • Whichy Way, this mark means trail could go in either direction, refer back to locating blobs unless instructed differently at chalk talk.
  • You've Been Fooled or False Trail (marked by a line or "YBF"). This means you just hit a dead end. Go back to the last "check" where you were On-On
Although these are a few common trail marks used by NOH3, hares are welcomed to do a little research or be creative and introduce new / underused trail marks.

Co-Hares Haring can be done by one hasher or as many hashers as it takes. Co-hares can help assume some of the responsibility of laying trail, getting beer, and food prep if food is provided.

Beer Hare or Food Hare Beer Hare is responsible for purchasing and getting the beer to the start, beer checks, and On-In. Beer Hares should also be sure to provide plenty of water, especially during the hotter months, for any non-beer-drinking Hashers (good grief). Also, the Beer Hare should be sure to secure plenty of regular drinking vessels (cups) and smaller down-down cups along with a pitcher to fill the down-down cups in circle.

Food Hare is responsible for providing whatever food the hares care to provide to the hounds. Food isn't required for a Hash, and doesn't need to be elaborate. Just a few suggestions should you decide to feed the rest of the Wankers: spaghetti & meat sauce, red beans & rice, tacos, sandwiches, hot dogs & chili.


Vistors since 3/17/2010:   1756361

Contact Came Upon Me with questions or comments about this site

This is the official web site of the New Orleans Hash House Harriers
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